Solar Energy Articles

Features Of A Solar Power Water Fountain

A solar power water fountain is one that runs by solar cells. The solar cells either use a battery setup or directly power a pump system. A wide variety of such fountains is now available, and their use is becoming popular among consumers each passing day.

How It Works

A solar power water fountain is very easy to set up and most of the models do not require any kind of installation. It works by means of sunlight collected on a number of small panels that convert solar energy into electric current. In many fountains, the solar panels are built within them. Others carry attached wires, which convey the electric current produced in the panels as they are positioned at some distance (usually up to 15 feet away) for collecting optimum quantity of solar energy.

Positioning A Solar Power Water Fountain

Several simple methods can be used to position the solar power water fountain, for example, like placing it on the mounting system that comes with it. Grass stakes can be used to position it in the lawn or garden or you can even mount it to a wall. In areas where there are a lot of bushes or other protruding objects that hinder the sunlight from collecting on the panels, the best way is to mount them to a wooden stake.

Weather And Solar Power Water Fountains

A solar power water fountain is typically a sunny day’s item. The thin silicon PV cells in the panel cannot store enough solar energy if the sun goes down or if it is very cloudy outside. The fountain does work in slightly cloudy weather or in overcast but the performance is affected, yielding a slower and thinner flow. If a battery backup is provided, the fountain works well even in such diffused sunlight or cloudy conditions. In winter, fountains powered by solar energy should only be used if it is not below freezing point. This is because, in snowy weather, when it is sunny outside, the pump will suffer damage.

Prices Of Solar Power Water Fountains

Solar fountains show a great variety in their prices, depending on the size and other features. They range from as low as under $30 for simple vertical fountains to over $2000 for the ornate carved stone style.

Benefits Of Using Solar Fountains

Solar fountains beautify the outside place, using sunlight as their energy source. This makes it possible to place them anywhere that has sunlight available. Most of these fountains need no installation and are easy to use. They are also environment friendly and need almost no maintenance. With no emissions, fuel, or noise, solar fountains are very harmless to kids and pets.